The BSCES board decided to extend the deadline for receipt of section award nominations until June 16. Please consider submitting a nomination. In particular, we have yet to receive nominations for the Lester Gaynor, Ralphe Horne, and Technical Group Awards (see descriptions below). We have also not received a nomination for the Small Employer Award.
As a BSCES member you have the opportunity of honoring your fellow engineers for a job well done. Please take the time to submit a nomination for any of the following awards. The below descriptions are paraphrases; the complete descriptions for each award are contained in the nomination forms (2016 Section Award Nomination Form; 2016 Employer Recognition Award Nomination Form). Call Bruce Jacobs at 617-308-7074 if you would like to discuss a nomination or have any questions. The deadline for nominations is June 16, 2016.
- CITIZEN ENGINEER AWARD: for public involvement improving the image of BSCES and the civil engineering profession.
- LESTER GAYNOR AWARD: for part-time elected or appointed service as a city or town official.
- GOVERNMENT CIVIL ENGINEER AWARD: awarded to public sector engineer in a paid position at a federal, state, or municipal agency, department, or authority in Massachusetts.
- CLEMENS HERSCHEL AWARD: award for publication of outstanding paper.
- RALPH HORNE AWARD: for unpaid public service in a municipal, state or federal-elected or appointed post for philanthropic activities in the public interest.
- JOURNALISM AWARD: to a member of the media who reports on engineering topics, particularly civil engineering, in a manner that benefits the profession.
- PRE-COLLEGE EDUCATOR AWARD: presented to a member of the K-12 educational community who integrates engineering topics, particularly civil engineering, in a manner that benefits the profession and may promote students to pursue an engineering career.
- TECHNICAL GROUP AWARD: award is given for papers which have been presented at a Technical Group meeting.
- YOUNGER MEMBER AWARD: to recognize a member, 35 years of age or younger, who has made an outstanding contribution to BSCES.
Award Nomination Forms:
2016 BSCES Section Awards
2016 BSCES Employer Recognition Awards