Are you passionate about civil engineering history and looking for a socially-distant outdoor activity to do this spring? In addition to the historic civil engineering landmarks in the New England area (some covered by BSCES Newsletter Editorial Board Vice Chair Mike Sullivan in his Historic New England Infrastructure series), over 200 projects from around the world have been designated as ASCE historic civil engineering landmarks. We encourage you to get outside, learn about these landmarks, and enter in our photo contest!

Canton Viaduct, Featured in the October 2020 Historic
New England Infrastructure Series by Michael Sullivan
Snap a picture of yourself in front of one of these landmark plaques (and don’t forget the landmark, too!) and send it to BSCESNews to be featured in an upcoming issue of BSCESNews. Please be mindful of local and regional guidelines (mask-up!) when you visit the sites. You might be surprised to learn that one of these landmarks is “in your backyard” and you’ve been passing by without noticing it.
To be featured by BSCESNews, please send your picture with a short caption detailing the landmark name and a fun fact to the BSCESNews Editorial Board (Email:, LinkedIn: BSCES LinkedIn Group or Twitter: @BSCESNews or @BSCES). Please use the hashtags #VisitASCELandmarks and #BSCESLandmarkContest when posting on social media. A selection of photos submitted before June 14th will be featured in our June 2021 newsletter.