Diego S. Arabbo, PE, Simpson Gumpertz and Heger Inc. and SEI Boston Chapter Chair
The Structural Engineering Institute is one of nine specialty institutes and technical groups of the American Society of Civil Engineers. SEI’s mission is “to advance and serve the structural engineering profession.” Members of the SEI Boston Chapter executive committee seek to engage our local professionals through online and in-person events intended to share ideas, showcase advancements in our profession, look towards the future, and provide networking opportunities.
Our members include practicing and retired engineers, members of academia, K-12 professionals, students, and professionals from the public sector. Most members volunteer to serve on one of three subcommittees:
- Lecture Series – Responsible for planning the biennial Fall Lecture Series.
- Programs – Responsible for planning professional events during the year, including project tours, technical lectures, and case study presentations.
- Membership and External Affairs – Responsible for promoting efforts to grow SEI membership, engaging in community service, outreach, and publicity.
SEI Boston Chapter executive committee members also facilitate and volunteer in mentoring programs for high school students, invite college students to participate in our meetings and events, and co-sponsor social events with the BSCES Younger Member Group.
In just the past year, our members organized a tour of the newly completed Maria Weston Chapman Middle School in Weymouth, and two excellent webinars:
- “ACCELER-8, I-90 Bridge Replacements: 8 Bridges 8 Weekends,” which discussed how MassDOT commissioned a combination of Design-Build (DB) contracting and Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) to procure, design, and complete eight bridge replacement on I-90 in less than two years, and
- “Utilizing Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), Digital Twins and Artificial Intelligence to Improve Bridge Management,” that introduced the audience to the concept of using digital twins to drastically improve the maintenance & operations of bridges.
Our 27th Lecture Series, entitled "Structural Engineering 2030: Shifting Paradigms in Engineering," coming in early spring of 2024, will revisit themes from SEI’s 1995 lecture series titled "Structural Engineering 2000: Shifting Paradigms in Engineering."
Our lecture series presenters will discuss opportunities with computer-aided structural design, the importance of simplified engineering concepts and methods, the evolution and diversification of design roles, responsibilities and risks of project participants, and the state of the art of ultra-high-performance concrete for infrastructure applications. Presenters will include practicing engineers, attorneys, and representatives from public agencies and academia.
Much has changed in our profession in these last 28 years, but our commitment as professionals to the betterment of our industry through excellence and innovative thinking remains steadfast. Sometimes changes come unexpectedly (looking at you, COVID), and sometimes, it happens organically as our technology evolves. Just a few years back, ChatGPT and other AI tools were mere curiosities with potential. Today, they announce themselves as agents of drastic change that we have yet to rationalize. It is crucial that we remain engaged as a community, that we keep all lines of communication open, and that we learn from each other.
Please join us at SEI Boston Chapter and encourage others to join. The executive committee meets monthly, and our subcommittees each have an additional monthly meeting. If you are interested in learning more or are considering joining, please reach out to Ryan, Robert, and/or me. We absolutely look forward to collaborating with you.
Diego S. Arabbo, Chair – dsarabbo@sgh.com or sei@bsces.org
Ryan Marshall, Vice Chair – rmarshall@hntb.com
Robert Niccoli, Secretary – rniccoli@theengineeringcorp.com