Transportation & Development Institute (T&DI) Boston Chapter



The mission of the T&DI Boston Chapter is to provide a forum for educating BSCES members (and non-members) on all types of transportation projects and issues. The group is multi-modal and considers a range of issues facing passenger and freight movement on the following modes:  airport, highway, transit, rail, water transportation, pedestrians and bicycles.


  • Bertram Berger Seminar
    This seminar is the Transportation & Development Institute Boston Chapter’s signature annual event that focuses on transportation issues as well as state and city wide projects. The event features two panel discussions, a social hour and a dinner accompanied by a keynote speaker; click here for more information.

  • Legislative Update
    This annual event focuses on current legislative issues within the Commonwealth, featuring a panel discussion from members of the Transportation Committee and from the House of Representatives for Massachusetts.

  • Technical Webinars
    The Transportation & Development Institute Boston Chapter offers webinars revolving around topics ranging from new engineering directives and practices to new technology in the world of transportation and infrastructure. Past topics include: ADA Compliance for Planning and Construction, Utility Coordination, Critical Elements of Roundabout Design, Infrastructure Needed for Driverless Cars

  • Networking Socials
    T&DI Boston Chapter joins with other institute chapters to network with peers at local bars and restaurants. We typically host a fall and spring social where appetizers are always complimentary.

  • Bi-Monthly meetings
    Collaborative meetings in which we discuss all updates from the subcommittees, discuss current happenings and exchange ideas for the Transportation & Development Institute as a part of BSCES.


Become an active member of the T&DI Boston Chapter committee to assist in planning events that will enhance the engineering community in the fields of transportation and infrastructure. This ranges from brainstorming for webinar and seminar topics to organizing networking socials. For more information, please contact the chair.

Acting T&DI Boston Chapter Chair:

Richard A. Matson, PE
One Federal Street, 8th Floor
Boston, MA 02110
Tel: 978/394-6310

The T&DI Boston Chapter typically holds bi-monthly meetings; please contact the chair for more information.

BSCES Event Registration

Important: To be recognized as a BSCES member you must login using your BSCES assigned username and password.


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Please note: BSCES membership is handled through ASCE but your BSCES log in information is different than your ASCE log in information. To update your contact information, please visit their Manage Your Account page

If you have issues logging in or have additional questions regarding registration, please contact us at 617/227-5551 or

Supported by the staff of The Engineering Center Education Trust